Martin Bosse, Flight Test Engineer Instructor

Martin Bossé is a full-time Rotary Wing Flight Test Engineer Instructor at ITPS. Hired initially as a part-time contractor in October 2021, he brings 15 years and 1,000 hours of FTE experience in rotary and fixed wing military and civil certifications. Martin is “pleased to join the dedicated group of ITPS flight test instructors and share his vast experience to augment the training of FTE candidates and support his fellow instructor colleagues.”
He graduated from the French Ecole du Personnel Navigant d’Essais et de Réception (EPNER); accumulated over 900 flight test hours with the Canadian Forces, Bell Helicopter, Bombardier Aerospace and most recently, Mitsubishi Aircraft. The highlights of his experience include the expansion of the venerable Sea King shipboard landing envelope with the development of the CF test procedures, certification of the Bell Helicopter B429 and Airbus A220, and development of the Mitsubishi Regional Jet. Martin’s career covered other management positions in maintenance, engineering, program, aircraft customising and delivery. His passion for aviation led him to a pilot license 45 years ago, and he owns and flies a Grumman AA5A.
As a note, Martin provides the content for our weekly aviation trivia contests. We appreciate your sense of humour and challenging questions!