ITPS and Turkish Aerospace Establish Flight Test ATO in Turkey
The First Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer Course in Turkey will Commence July 2023

The International Test Pilots School (ITPS) is entering into a partnership with Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) to establish a satellite Approved Training Organisation (ATO) for Flight Test Training in Türkiye. The first Turkish Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer course commences on July 3, 2023, for a team from TUSAŞ. The ground school modules are available as short courses to all Turkish Industry participants.
ITPS has had a long-standing and successful relationship with TUSAŞ for a decade. During that time, ITPS graduates have taken the Hürkuş turboprop trainer and T-625 medium helicopter to first flight, development and certification. ITPS graduates have recently conducted the first taxi tests of the Hürjet and TF-X prototypes. Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) will be flight testing these and other products in the future, creating a demand for test pilots, flight test engineers and support specialists. The partnership came about at the direction of Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil, President and CEO of TUSAŞ. Since 2012 TUSAŞ and the Turkish Air Force have entrusted ITPS to train their best pilots and engineers for the challenging task of testing the exciting new aircraft being developed by TUSAŞ. Students in the new programme can earn a Professional Certificate or Diploma depending on the courses taken. Approved credits may be used towards CAT-1 or CAT-2 flight test programmes at ITPS in Canada.