Grumman HU-16 Albatross at #OSH 2023
What a week it was! Pilots Giorgio Clementi and Raphael Langumier flew our Grumman HU-16 Albatross to #OSH23. The interest in the “Grand Old Lady” with its glass cockpit and EFVS upgrades was overwhelming as visitors stopped by.
A good number of SETP and SFTE members toured the aircraft, including current SETP President Brian Sandberg, former President Nils Larson, Jeff Canclini of SFTE, and ever-enthusiastic Elliot Seguin, test pilot extraordinaire! It was good to catch up with friends like Carsten Sundin (CEO of Stratos Aircraft) and Vince Scott, who showcased the Safari XL Light Sport Aircraft.
Änni Tiroch, formerly an engineering intern at ITPS and now a Flight Test Systems Engineer at Airbus Manching also dropped in for a welcome visit. Our Chief Academic Officer Panos A Vitsas brought three current ITPS students to this celebration of aviation.
All in all a wonderful event, great opportunities for networking and checking out the latest gadgets and developments in experimental aviation. See you next year OSHKOSH!